The International Workshop on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Information Technology (BEMIT2015) seeks to present innovative and significant research in the field of biomedical engineering and medical information technology. It aims at providing an opportunity for international and national researchers and practitioners to present the most recent advances and future challenges in the relative fields.
BEMIT2015 encourages the exchange of important research, instruction, ideas and information on all aspects of the rapidly expanding area of biomedical engineering and medical information technology. Topics include but are not limited to:
Sequence and Bioinformatics Analysis
Biology and Medical Nanotechnology
Biomedical materials and Equipment
Medical Image and Medical Electronics
Medical Informatics and Engineering
Bioelectronics, Biomechanics, Biophotonics
Surgical technology
Diagnostic and therapeutic methods, monitoring, drug delivery systems, clinical laboratory
Artificial organs, biomaterials
Tissue engineering, bio-inspired materials, molecular and cellular methods
Rehabilitation technology
Medical and hospital informatics
Telemedicine, e-health and home care methods
Public health
Instructions for Authors:
Authors are invited to submit full papers in English and any non-English words are prohibited. All submissions will be peer-reviewed based on originality, technical quality and presentation. Your submissions must not have been and will not be published elsewhere or submitted to another conference before receiving our review notification.
Online Submission:
Please submit your paper via the submission system at .
Submission Deadline (full-text papers):
July 30, 2015
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