In ICBEB2015, accepted abstracts will be published as supplement issue in
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology(BCPT IF=2.294) which is indexed by Science Citation Index. Researchers and practitioners are encouraged to submit original, unpublished contributions according to the
Dummy Abstract Template.
The topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Age-related Pharmacology
Cardiovascular Pharmacology
Clinical Pharmacology
Drug Discovery and Development
Drug Metabolism and Disposition
Drugs and the Brain
Drugs for Infectious Disease
Endocrine Pharmacology
Fundamental Pharmacological Mechanisms
Pharmacology and Technology
Pharmacology Education
Regulatory Affairs & Management
Specialized Systems Pharmacology
Veterinary Pharmacology
The submission deadline is on July 5, 2015. For authors who are interested in this, please go and submit your abstract (s) at and mark BCPT in the note form at the submission system. Or you can write to us at if you have any questions.